Social Universe
SUBJECT/DEPARTMENT: History (Sec 3) HSG-4101-2 and HSG-4102-2
Martin Scheinberg
1.1 Criteria/evidence of support for learning required for student to write the evaluation for certification: Student must demonstrate competencies to be evaluated in the final exam THROUGH EVALUATIONS
1.2 Special exam conditions2:
The centre’s administration is authorized to implement the measures below for adults with special needs. A report analyzing the adult’s situation must be included in the adult’s file. The relevance of the measure in terms of the adult’s specific need, as recognized by the DIRECTOR OF THE CENTRE, must be indicated in the IEP.
The adult must use this measure regularly and the adult must have been involved in the decision to use this measure.
A tool must never perform the task for the adult.
The adult must be continuously monitored so that it can be confirmed on his or her final copy that he or she has used the authorized measure.
ALL STUDENTS ARE ENTITLED TO a 5 min per every hour extension of the exam regardless of IEP or NOT
Extending the time allotted for the examination by up to one third of the time normally allowed. The examination must, however, be administered in a single day and certain arrangements must be made to ensure that the time is extended without the adult coming into contact with other adult learners during lunchtime or breaks.
Allowing the use of Word Q to provide the adult with the necessary assistance relative to the specific needs identified in IEP.
Allowing students to use a reading aid (e.g. voice synthesizer) and a writing aid (e.g. grammar and spelling software, word prediction software) for the ministerial examinations (including reading comprehension examinations in the language of instruction).
Any voice recognition function must be de-activated for the duration of the examination that evaluates the writing competency.
Allowing adults to use a computer, while respecting certain conditions: limiting Internet access (except for those examinations where such access is permitted), prohibiting communication between the different workstations on a network, providing technical assistance before and during the examination session, ensuring that documents are saved several times throughout and providing a final printed copy of the examination in 12-point font. This copy must include a footer indicating the adult’s name and permanent code, the invigilator’s name, the examination course code and the date of the examination.
Allowing adults to use various writing implements.
Allowing adults to give their answers using a tape recorder when Special conditions exist in the student’s IEP).
Allowing adults to use a reading aid such as a monitor, magnifying glass or inclined reading stand.
Allowing adults to take the examination in an isolated location, with supervision
1.3 Identification of the student’s name and student number and date of EXAMINATION ON all student booklets and mark summaries of all exams.
1.4 Student’s name MUST appear on course ATTENDANCE LIST on the date s/he writes the COURSE EXAM. Martin Scheinberg
1.5 Sequencing of exam parts: Sequencing dependent upon specific exam instructions
1.6 Prescribed time for administering exams Dependent on the specific exam requirements
Procedures to follow if exam is longer than 120 minutes: Depending on the specification of time allowed for each exam part, Evaluation for certification may be administered over two class periods.
1.7 Exam only conditions, if applicable: If formally requested, and student has acquired the competencies set as the course objectives.
1.8 CONFIDENTIALITY of materials:
Designated area(s) for exam writing: All competencies to be evaluated are done in immediate proximity to and direct supervision of the teacher
1.9 THEFT or disappearance OF:
ministerial exam materials:
Should a ministerial examination be stolen, the educational institution MUST:
• promptly notify the person in charge of the certification of studies and administration of ministerial examinations of the situation
• promptly notify the director of the Direction de la sanction des études, who, after discussion with the educational institution, will decide on the immediate course of action
• send a written report to the director of the Direction de la sanction des études describing the causes and circumstances of the theft
• When a breach in confidentiality is brought to the attention of a staff member of a school or centre, use of this ministerial examination for the purposes of evaluation of learning must stop immediately.
local exam materials: A written report will be sent to the Centre Director, and then the Exam will be altered.
2.1 Authorized materials allowed during examinations: Students can only use the Adult Booklet as well as the Resource Booklet, if applicable.
2.2 Use of electronic devices and cellphones: Not Permitted unless Authorized. (See Section 1.2)
2.3 Academic offences
Cheating: When a candidate is discovered cheating or deliberately assisting another person, his or her copy is confiscated and s/he is asked to leave the room. The fail code or mark of 0 will be transmitted to the Ministry. The Centre will then determine whether or not, and under what conditions, the evaluation may be retaken. The student may be suspended from the Centre subject to administrative discretion.
Plagiarism: Plagiarism will have the same consequences as cheating.
3.1 Materials to be collected from student: All Adult booklets, resource booklets, and notes will be collected.
3.2 Marking and recording exam results: Exams will be marked in accordance with the rules for each examination. Correction keys (criterion-referenced rubrics) will be used in their entirety and observation and marking instructions from the examiner’s booklet will be followed.
3.3 Copyright procedures for exam materials, if applicable
Not applicable
3.4 Student performance CRITERIA (e.g. Pass/Fail; 60% OVERALL; 60% each part)
A passing mark of 60% overall is required.
3.5 Transmission of results:
Deadline for transmission to office: Within 5 working days of exam completion
Format of Academic Results sheet: HAEC “student results” template
Failure: submit the mark
Course Complete: Once student has completed the entire program, indicate “Course Complete” on Mark template
Abandon: AD
3.6 Confidentiality of results:
Sharing of results with student:
At no time will examinations (current or obsolete) be used as evaluation to support learning or as classroom practice exercises or for pretest purposes.
No information related to the content of the examinations will be divulged to students before the examinations are administered.
In order to ensure the integrity of the examinations, copies of examinations and related materials (e.g. answer sheets, work sheets, evaluation forms) must never be corrected, shown, given to students or reviewed in their presence after a ministerial examination has been administered. This is to ensure confidentiality and equity of the evaluation in the event that it is used again for a retake, as there are a limited number of versions of examinations available.
Exams will be carried in sealed envelopes or boxes and stored in a locked cabinet.
Teachers will inform the student of his or her results and advise which evaluation criteria they have failed without compromising the confidentiality of the exam.
3.7 Storage of WRITTEN EXAMS
Storage location of marked exams: Locked cabinet in administrative office
Length of time to store written exams: three years
Shredding/disposal of written exams: For exams older than 3 academic school years, shredding is done annually at the end of school year by a certified company.
4.1 Entitlement to retakes: any student who fails an exam or who wants to improve his or her mark may retake the examination. A student can only write a ministry exam the number of times an exam is available. if THERE ARE only 3 versions available and the student has failed all 3, then they must wait until the following school year to re-write the exam. FAILING MARKS ARE SUBMITTED.
4.2 Remediation process before first, second, third retake: Students will undergo remediation in accordance with whatever competencies need to be re-evaluated.
Course Structure:
Social Phenomenon
History of Québec and
Origins to 1760
Origins to 1608
The experience of the
Indigenous peoples and the
colonization attempts
1608 to 1760
The evolution of colonial
society under French rule
History of Québec and
1760 to 1840
1760 to 1791
The Conquest and the change
of empire
1791 to 1840
The demands and struggles of
Teachers responsible for preparing HAEC Standards & Procedures:
School Year: 2022-2023
Name(s): Martin Scheinberg
Signature: _______________________________________
Date: June 17, 2022
Page Break
SUBJECT/DEPARTMENT: History (Sec 4) HST-4103-2 and HST-4104-2
Martin Scheinberg
1.1 Criteria/evidence of support for learning required for student to write the evaluation for certification: Student must demonstrate competencies to be evaluated in the final exam THROUGH EVALUATIONS
1.2 Special exam conditions2:
The centre’s administration is authorized to implement the measures below for adults with special needs. A report analyzing the adult’s situation must be included in the adult’s file. The relevance of the measure in terms of the adult’s specific need, as recognized by the DIRECTOR OF THE CENTRE, must be indicated in the IEP.
The adult must use this measure regularly and the adult must have been involved in the decision to use this measure.
A tool must never perform the task for the adult.
The adult must be continuously monitored so that it can be confirmed on his or her final copy that he or she has used the authorized measure.
ALL STUDENTS ARE ENTITLED TO a 5 min per every hour extension of the exam regardless of IEP or NOT
Extending the time allotted for the examination by up to one third of the time normally allowed. The examination must, however, be administered in a single day and certain arrangements must be made to ensure that the time is extended without the adult coming into contact with other adult learners during lunchtime or breaks.
Allowing the use of Word Q to provide the adult with the necessary assistance relative to the specific needs identified in IEP.
Allowing students to use a reading aid (e.g. voice synthesizer) and a writing aid (e.g. grammar and spelling software, word prediction software) for the ministerial examinations (including reading comprehension examinations in the language of instruction).
Any voice recognition function must be de-activated for the duration of the examination that evaluates the writing competency.
Allowing adults to use a computer, while respecting certain conditions: limiting Internet access (except for those examinations where such access is permitted), prohibiting communication between the different workstations on a network, providing technical assistance before and during the examination session, ensuring that documents are saved several times throughout and providing a final printed copy of the examination in 12-point font. This copy must include a footer indicating the adult’s name and permanent code, the invigilator’s name, the examination course code and the date of the examination.
Allowing adults to use various writing implements.
Allowing adults to give their answers using a tape recorder when Special conditions exist in the student’s IEP).
Allowing adults to use a reading aid such as a monitor, magnifying glass or inclined reading stand.
Allowing adults to take the examination in an isolated location, with supervision
1.3 Identification of the student’s name and student number and date of EXAMINATION ON all student booklets and mark summaries of all exams. Martin Scheinberg
1.4 Student’s name MUST appear on course ATTENDANCE LIST on the date s/he writes the COURSE EXAM. Martin Scheinberg
1.5 Sequencing of exam parts: Sequencing dependent upon specific exam instructions
1.6 Prescribed time for administering exams Dependent on the specific exam requirements
Procedures to follow if exam is longer than 120 minutes: Depending on the specification of time allowed for each exam part, Evaluation for certification may be administered over two class periods.
1.7 Exam only conditions, if applicable: If formally requested, and student has acquired the competencies set as the course objectives.
1.8 CONFIDENTIALITY of materials:
Designated area(s) for exam writing: All competencies to be evaluated are done in immediate proximity to and direct supervision of the teacher
1.9 THEFT or disappearance OF:
ministerial exam materials:
Should a ministerial examination be stolen, the educational institution MUST:
promptly notify the person in charge of the certification of studies and administration of ministerial examinations of the situation
promptly notify the director of the Direction de la sanction des études, who, after discussion with the educational institution, will decide on the immediate course of action
send a written report to the director of the Direction de la sanction des études describing the causes and circumstances of the theft
When a breach in confidentiality is brought to the attention of a staff member of a school or centre, use of this ministerial examination for the purposes of evaluation of learning must stop immediately.
local exam materials: A written report will be sent to the Centre Director, and then the Exam will be altered.
2.1 AUTHORIZED materials allowed during examinations: Students can only use the Adult Booklet as well as the Resource Booklet, if applicable.
2.2 USE of electronic devices and cellphones: Not Permitted unless Authorized. (See Section 1.2)
2.3 Academic offences
Cheating: When a candidate is discovered cheating or deliberately assisting another person, his or her copy is confiscated and s/he is asked to leave the room. The fail code or mark of 0 will be transmitted to the Ministry. The Centre will then determine whether or not, and under what conditions, the evaluation may be retaken. The student may be suspended from the Centre subject to administrative discretion.
Plagiarism: Plagiarism will have the same consequences as cheating.
3.1 MATERIALS to be collected from student: All Adult booklets, resource booklets, and notes will be collected.
3.2 MARKING and recording exam results: Exams will be marked in accordance with the rules for each examination. Correction keys (criterion-referenced rubrics) will be used in their entirety and observation and marking instructions from the examiner’s booklet will be followed.
3.3 Copyright procedures for exam materials, if applicable
Not applicable
3.4 Student performance CRITERIA (e.g. Pass/Fail; 60% OVERALL; 60% each part)
A passing mark of 60% overall is required.
3.5 Transmission of results:
Deadline for transmission to office: Within 5 working days of exam completion
Format of Academic Results sheet: HAEC “student results” template
Failure: submit the mark
Course Complete: Once student has completed the entire program, indicate “Course Complete” on Mark template
Abandon: AD
3.6 Confidentiality of results:
Sharing of results with student:
At no time will examinations (current or obsolete) be used as evaluation to support learning or as classroom practice exercises or for pretest purposes.
No information related to the content of the examinations will be divulged to students before the examinations are administered.
In order to ensure the integrity of the examinations, copies of examinations and related materials (e.g. answer sheets, work sheets, evaluation forms) must never be corrected, shown, given to students or reviewed in their presence after a ministerial examination has been administered. This is to ensure confidentiality and equity of the evaluation in the event that it is used again for a retake, as there are a limited number of versions of examinations available.
Exams will be carried in sealed envelopes or boxes and stored in a locked cabinet.
Teachers will inform the student of his or her results and advise which evaluation criteria they have failed without compromising the confidentiality of the exam.
3.7 Storage of WRITTEN EXAMS
Storage location of marked exams: Locked cabinet in administrative office
Length of time to store written exams: THREE YEARS
Shredding/disposal of written exams: For exams older than 3 academic school years, shredding is done annually at the end of school year by a certified company.
4.1 Entitlement to retakes: any student who fails an exam or who wants to improve his or her mark may retake the examination. A student can only write a ministry exam the number of times an exam is available. if THERE ARE only 3 versions available and the student has failed all 3, then they must wait until the following school year to re-write the exam. FAILING MARKS ARE SUBMITTED.
4.2 Remediation process before first, second, third retake: Students will undergo remediation in accordance with whatever competencies need to be re-evaluated.
Page Break
Course Structure
Social Phenomenon
History of Québec and
The formation of the canadian federal system
Nationalism and the autonomy of canada
History of Québec and
1945 to our time
1945 to 1980
The modernization of quebec and the quiet revolution
1980 to our time
societal choices in contemporary quebec
Teachers responsible for preparing HAEC Standards & Procedures:
School Year: 2022-2023
Name(s): Martin Scheinberg
Signature: _______________________________________
Date: June 17, 2022